I decided a long time ago i wanted to create a blog. Not sure why but i was always so envious reading through other peoples blogs, reading about their lives, things they love (beauty and fashion) and things they don't. I wanted my own place to talk about anything and everything i could ever possible imagine. However one thing has always drew me back from making the step of creating one. Confidence. Yep that's right - confidence. Its stopped me from doing a lot of things in life actually but ill just talk about why its stopped me from making a blog. The main reason is because i couldn't ever imagine how i would feel if someone (who i personally know/just generally know) found out. How would i explain what i am doing and why i am doing it? I make blogging sound as though its very taboo - its not its actually amazing and has blew up all over the internet in the last several years. The issue though is how would I explain why I'M doing it. What makes me think I can? Do I think I am good enough of doing it? Do I think I am interesting enough for it to be popular?
Those are the questions I feel people would ask me, those are the questions I am scared of answering. People might not even ask those questions in fact would they even care? I don't know. But unfortunately for me I am not confident enough to find out. Having anxiety also doesn't help as it further pushes my ideas of what others would think to the extreme.
Hence the name of this blog. Anonymous - fashion, beauty & lifestyle. All my thoughts about fashion beauty and lifestyle in a blog format, how I have always been envious of others laying out their thoughts on the topics but in an anonymous manner. Perfect. I am excited to write, I have always loved doing it and I feel this gives me such freedom to do it. Its quite refreshing that you can put all your thoughts out there and it'll be there forever. What an exciting thought. I think ill write a few blog posts back to back just because there is a few things I want to talk about. like i said this will be a combination of lifestyle, beauty and fashion. lots of topics and my thoughts on them. Not a single person might be interested in what I have to say and that is fine because it doesn't matter because I am happy that I have somewhere to share my thoughts that has the potential of people also reading it.
Anyway that's my explanation of what my blog is and i am looking forward to writing more xoxo
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