Wednesday, 23 September 2015

How your living space can affect your mood!

Something ive noticed in the past few months is how your living space can play a major role in the way we feel and act. I wouldn't say it is something totally unheard of before but its something ive only just got to experience. As ive said ive moved back home, my living space has therefore become a lot smaller, something i hated to start with. what can i do with this small bedroom? how can i fit all my stuff here? To be honest everything was a huge mess for a while and that was after i had tidied lol. I feel like it affected me, because it was already looking messy i allowed it to get worse, nothing had a specific place so what was the point? it made me feel so unmotivated, i didnt have a clear space to think.or do anything. my mind was always preoccupied on my living space and the fact i could do "nothing" about it. it was driving me mad.

Obviously, its hard to get out of a cycle when the cycle is just rearranging things to make them look the best with a hopeless outcome every time. Then one day i realised this is clearly not going to get any better unless i change something. So i managed to get hold of some under bed storage. This seemed to change everything. Suddenly a lot of things had a place where they wouldn't be visible but i could still access them easily. this allowed more room for things to be neatly organised where they would be visible. i also spent time getting rid of a lot of things i don't really need. clothes, shoes, random crap that was just taking up space. needless to say i got rid of a lot of things that were just not necessary to keep. Suddenly i felt like everything changed i had got to grips with my room and things suddenly looked a lot better. This made me feel so motivated, i had my space and just generally felt happier, i could walk into my room and not see a complete mess. This is when i realised that you can become affected by your living environment, it can make you feel unmotivated because a lot of your time you are spent in what you deem a hopeless situation you transfer these feelings onto other areas in your life.

Because of this crazy revelation i realised that i wanted my living space to be as "me" as possible. i wanted it to look nice, i wanted to feel good and motivated when i was there. Having a small bedroom, means you have to make the most of the space you have got. i rearranged furniture so that i could have as much floor space as possible, i got a bigger chest of drawers so that i could put so much more stuff in there, and im in the process of repainting my walls - something ive wanted to do for a while. I have also bought a few pieces for decoration. some canvases with quotes on and some candles. I set the mood for my room and it brings me a better mood in life.

I recommend to anybody unhappy with there living space to change it, it certainly doesn't have to be expensive but you can do some research and figure out how to best make use of the space you have got! it makes all the difference trust me!

Make your living space as "you" as possible. You will feel so much better, you may not think it but its really true!
(These images were found on pinterest and i really love them :))

Has anybody else ever noticed this or felt this way? xoxo

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